Figure 1: Arthropod Diversity

Figure 2: Arthropod Body Plan

Video 1: Insects and Arthropods (3:19)

Video 2:Invertebrates Insects (4:28)

Video 3: Where Are the Ants Carrying All Those Leaves? (3:30)

Video 4: Quantifying the effects of Neonicotinoids on honeybees and wild bees: a Europe-wide experiment (3:51)

Video 5: Bed Bugs (2:10)

Figure 3: Insect Life Cycle

Figure 4: Arthropod Head

Figure 5: How Arthropods Breathe

Video 6: First ever sighting of a White Lady Spider (3:42)

Video 7: Tick Lifecycle (2:44)

Video 8: Ear Mites - under the microscope (2:08)