56 INTERCEPTIONS 1988-1994
- Anthurium sp.
- Lipstick plant
- Calathea sp.
- Maranta sp.
- Chamaedorea elegans
- Neathebella palm
- Citrus
- Palm
- Echinodorus (Brazilian sword)
- Philodendron
- Epipremnum sp. (marble queen)
- Pothos
- Rhapus excelsea
- Ginger (infested on top)
For many years, California has had a mandatory quarantine for burrowing nematode.
Although there has been no program for reniform nematode which argueably would be as much if not more damaging to California agriculture, this nematode has often been intercepted in samples being examined for burrowing nematode.
Data for this list were compiled by CDFA and illustrate the wide range of crops on which R. similis has been found on plants imported into California.
It is interesting to note that although the main concern from this nematode is for farm planting, the potential for importation on ornamentals is a major problem.

Click here if you want to review the biology of BURROWING NEMATODE, RADOPHOLUS SIMILIS